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Cerrado de pé

2018 - 2021 | Series of illustrations
Client: Associação de Coletores de Sementes - Cerrado de Pé

   I have no words to describe the work of Cerrado de Pé Association. From the environmental initiatives that I know here at Chapada dos Veadeiros, this is the one that touches me the most. Uniting professional empowerment with native biome restoration, Cerrado de Pé is revolutionizing the way local communities relates with the surrounding nature. There was a time when cutting down trees was necessary to provide families financial resources, now, with the native seeds collect work provided by the Association, the more trees are standing up providing their seeds, the more the Association's native families are benefited. With the collected seeds, they promote biome restoration services with innovative and cheaper planting technics. I have illustrated some plants which seeds they collect. The illustrations became t-shirts to help financially the Association and, at the same time, spread the knowledge of the native species.

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